•  Vape King  •  03/04/2019

Vaping 101: A Beginner's Guide to Vaping

Vaping 101 You probably already know that vaping is in fact different from smoking. Good. But do you know what vaping is? The birth of genius It was Hon Lik’s brilliant mind that re-invented vaping and the e-cigarette in the early 2000s, after...

 •  Vape King  •  06/03/2019

Convincing Your Parents to Vape: A Guide to Help Them Quit Smoking

There are times in your life than you need to step in and become the parent of your parents. One of these occasions is when you need to convince your parents, or one of them, to quit smoking since it is bad for their health. So, now you have the option -...

 •  Vape King  •  26/02/2019

The Vaping Etiquette

We get a lot of questions about vape etiquette, whether it's at the park (with the mommies and daddies group), or on a restaurant patio, but nothing has our customers more confused than how to vape gracefully at work. Does it require the use of a...

 •  Vape King  •  06/02/2019

Stop Smoking Without Putting on Weight | Tips & Strategies

Stop smoking is a difficult decision. And it will be more difficult when you actually implement it. There are many reasons that make people go back to smoking again. One of the most common is that when you decide to quit smoking, you may end up gaining...

 •  Vape King  •  16/08/2018

What’s The Difference Between Mouth to Lung and Direct To Lung Vaping

If you’re a vaper, you’ve probably heard someone describe a mouth to lung (MTL) hit or a direct to lung hit (DTL). The difference between mouth to lung and direct to lung vaping might be hard to envision if you’ve never vaped. If you’re a smoker or a...

 •  Vape King  •  09/08/2018

Is Vaping Really the Best Smoking Alternative?

E-cigarettes don’t produce tar, because they don’t burn (or even contain) tobacco or other plant material. There are known carcinogens in vapor, but they’re in tiny concentrations that are unlikely to pose any risk to vapers. Most studies that have raised...

 •  Vape King  •  08/08/2018

Are Nicotine Salts Safe?

While you may have never heard about nicotine salts, the truth is that they aren't new. In fact, they are already on the market for some years now. Nevertheless, it seems that nicotine salts just started gaining popularity. So, as soon as you are...

 •  Vape King  •  01/08/2018

The Effects of Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking today is the best possible decision you could make for your health. Every aspect of your body, all the way down to your DNA, begins healing the second you stop smoking. Here are some of the effects quitting smoking has on your body....