Vaping Box Mod's All You Need To Know

When you decide to enter in the vaping world, you may be a bit confused first. After all, when you are looking to buy your first vaping device, you'll hear and read terms such as mech mod, personal vaporizer, pen style mods, unregulated mod, among so many others. And when you think you're done, it's time to choose the flavor. And now you have to choose between a million options again not to mention the nicotine levels.

One of the things that we have to say about box mods is that you will probably find them expensive. However, as soon as you buy one and try it, you will be glad that you spent the money. Besides, it will last you for a long time.

We believe that choosing the best box mod for you may be a little tough, especially if this is your first one. So, we decided to give you a hand. Ready to start?!

What Is A Box Mod?

The truth is that before you buy a box mod, you need to understand what it is and what its purpose is. In case you have some friends who are already vapers, you probably heard them talking about box mods and you thought it would be a good idea. Maybe you just read about them online. No matter the case, a box mod is the result of the evolution of this industry.

At the beginning of e-cigarettes, it all started with small tube-shaped e-cigarettes that had low power. They were very similar to regular cigarettes. One of their main problems was related to durability. The truth is that these e-cigarettes used cartridges that were disposable. However, you needed to replace them quite often what ended up being quite expensive. As the industry evolved, more vapers wanted to enjoy their vaping with more performance. So, the next vaping device that appeared on the market was the vape pen style. These mods and e-cigarettes with a pen shape tended to last a lot longer than the previous devices. Since they can hold larger batteries that tend not only to be more powerful as to last a lot longer, vaping enthusiasts decided to come up with different shapes for these pen devices. And this is how box mods first appeared on the market.

So, simply put, box mods are simply vaping devices that come with a box shape. One of the things that you should keep in mind is that the most recent box mods are a lot more complex than the pen style devices. These allow box mods to include circuit boards and large screens that allow you to have increased control over your vaping experience.

Box Mods Vs Vape Pen

When you are looking for discretion, the reality is that there is nothing better than choosing a pen-style vaping device. However, taking into consideration all the advantages of box mods, more and more vapers, even the ones who like to be discreet, are opting for box mods.

One of the things that you need to know about box mods is that they tend to be less flexible than vaping pen-devices. Nevertheless, box mods offer a lot of advantages:

#1: Box Mods Have A Longer Battery Life:

Since box mods have more internal space, manufacturers can include more batteries inside. So, ultimately, this means that your battery will last for much more time. Most box mods tend to accept one or two batteries. However, the high-end models can accept up to 4 batteries.

#2: Box Mods Increase And Improve Your Cloud Production:

One of the things that many vapers love is forming their clouds. In case you are one of them, then box mods are definitely a great option for you.

Since box mods tend to have a longer battery life, this means that they have an increased wattage. So, ultimately, you will get more vaping per hit which results in bigger clouds.

#3: Box Mods Deliver A Better Control:

One of the reasons why so many vapers love box mods is because they have a complete control over their vaping experience. After all, some of the most recent box mods allow you to change a wide number of settings so that you can get the best experience. 


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